Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Question & Answer

Please post your question here!

For rom file, search for the exact zip file name instead of cps2 rom.
For example, I found this site has a valid rom set for marvel vs capcom.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Bug Report for version 1.0.0

Please post any bug/issue you find in v1.0.0 here.

Monday, July 20, 2009


* Rom file has to be for CPS2 emulator.

* Visit for a compatibility list.

* Try to avoid rom file that needs a special instruction such as "only work if Decrypt option is activated"

* Some game needs two rom files.
Example> + (load + (load

* Press Hot Key once for fireball (quarter circle) and twice for upper cut

* Use PC tool to generate cache files and save your time!

* Stop Google Talk Service to minimize lag!

Go to Settings -> Applications -> Manage applications -> Google Talk Service -> click "Force Stop"

* As CPS2 game requires lots memory, Android system will try to close/kill background process(es) to free up some memory when you just load the rom file.

During this time, you could experience a lag but it should go back to normal after 10~20 seconds.

If you still experience a lag after this time, you can try to exit (back button) and reload the rom.

* For root user, you can overclock to 528Mhz and set frame skip level to 0 or 1.

CPS2 Emulator Instruction


1. Save cps2 rom files (*.zip format) in any directory.

2. Generate cache file (one time only!)
Please note that this process will take a very long time...
It will generate a report (pass/fail) at the end
And if successful, it will save cache file in your rom directory.

You can also generate cache files from your PC using this tool.
And copy cache files into your rom directory manually.

3. Load rom file to play.


* Restore Default Setting - set back to the original settings
* Screen Orientation - screen direction [default = Landscape]
* Sound [On|Off] - Enable/Disable sound during game play [default = On]
* Frame Skip Level - frame skip level [default = 2]
* Key Map - change the control key mapping.


* Screen Orientation - Toggle screen orientation during game play
* Sound Mute/Unmute - Toggle sound (mute/unmute) when sound is enabled during game play
* Skip Frame - Change frame skip level during game play
* Game Pause/Resume - Tap to pause and tab again to resume

Android CPS2 Emulator Credits

* CPS2 Core Engine - Developer: NJ

* Android UI/Framework - Reto Meier and his book "Android Application Development"

* Android NDK Group

* Android Developers Group